Issue Five/Six
Abstract: Issue 5/6, Special Feature on James Carver, presents an excerpt from Raymond Carver Remembered by His Brother James. This memoir by Raymond Carver’s younger brother and only sibling offers significant details and vignettes of Raymond Carver’s childhood and early adult life; the memoir is accompanying by a review essay, “Raymond Carver and Biography,” from Sandra Lee Kleppe, Director of the International Raymond Carver Society. Issue 5/6 includes five peer-reviewed essays: Taylor Johnston’s “‘Inside anything’: The Evacuation of Commodified Space in Raymond Carver’s ‘Cathedral’” examines how the decomodified experience of co-drawing a cathedral “relocates the act of reading from the entrapments of the consumer apparatus to symbolic indeterminacy”; Madeleine Stein’s “Keeping Our Eyes Closed: Unsustainable Transformation in Raymond Carver’s ‘Cathedral,’” uses lenses of narrative distance and gender relations to analyze the metaphorically blind narrator’s transformative interaction; in “‘Kill who?’: Forgiving the Immigrants in Raymond Carver’s ‘Sixty Acres,’” Ann Olson reviews the conflict between Yakama tribesman Lee Waite and trespassing white duck- hunters as a re-enactment of historical complexities; Cameron Cushing’s “The Negative Pastoral in Raymond Carver’s “The Compartment” locates Myers’ decision not to meet with his estranged son in Strasbourg in an interstitial space between Terry Gifford’s concept of an external “contextual pastoral” and Martin Scofield’s concept of an internal “negative pastoral”; and Jonathan Pountney’s “Raymond Carver and Haruki Murakami: Literary Influence in Late- Capitalism” considers how Murakami’s acceptance of Carver’s influence rests in a corresponding desire to depict a societal dislocation tied to the mass-commodification of the late-twentieth century labor markets in America and Japan.